WCG DoTP APP 2023/2024

competency definition to enable development; embedding values in our ways of doing and embedding the culture bootcamp across the WCG. 3. Improving work organisation capacity across WCG: Given the quantum of organisation design work that is required and the existing capacity in CD OD, attention will also be given to ways of improving existing OD processes to make them simpler and less time intensive. It is also important to find a way to ensure that organisation design instruments/artefacts like structures, job descriptions, operating models, etc. are kept current to enable credible reporting data across the WCG.


The core business of the PTI, learning and development, will be retained. However, there will be a significant refocus of offerings aligned to the new skills demands in terms of the changing learning and development landscape, as reflected in the reconfiguration of the PTI. This includes new modes of delivery, modernised systems, partnerships with HEIs and visiting lecturers, that will improve the learning experience of learners.

Therefore, during 2023/2024 the implemen tation of the Reconfigured PTI model will be initiated through a reconfigured organisational structure, phasing in the implementation of low-hanging fruits, including suite of Innovative Methodologies integrated into PTI business, rethink and refresh of PTI curriculum to contribute to the provincial objectives of jobs, safety, wellbeing, Innovation, Culture and Governance, through establishing a management and leadership development pipeline, promoting future focused skills, partnerships with higher education institutions which will enable credit accumulation transfer, contributing to formal qualifications. Emphasis will also be placed on environmental, infrastructural and techno logical modernisation of the PTI campus, including the following:

DIAGRAM 13: Innovation for Impact poster

Rebranding of the PTI campus

Exterior and interior re-design, reflecting an energising space of learning, innovation and connecting, well equipped, well-maintained, inspiring and technologically advanced.

• Conversion to hybrid learning and collaboration spaces

Learning Management System optimisation

Installation of online booking system

Furthermore, several transversal learning and development interventions will be assessed to determine the impact of the interventions offered to employees of the Western Cape Government and work experience opportunities will be provided for youth to enhance the social and economic advancement of youth.



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