WCG DoTP APP 2023/2024

DIAGRAM 10: Increased use and access of quality data for decision-making

With reference to the performance indicator 2.3.3, one planned evaluation product is linked to innovation, culture, and governance, and will be conducted using a cocreated model. As part of the earmarked allocations, there will be an increase in the number of evaluations conducted using a hybrid model with departments. The latter is in line with the demand for evidence-led fiscus decision-making and the evidence required building up to the End-of-Term Review. The Sub-programme: Strategic Programmes will coordinate priority programmes in relation to the energy crisis, international and local stakeholder engagements, frontline monitoring and support, human rights mainstreaming and events sector support. Urgent work is being undertaken to assist our most vulnerable households with emergency loadshedding packs and to ensure the most appropriate demand and supply-side interventions to deal with the effects of the energy crisis on our citizens. There will be a strategic focus on International Relations which is aimed at optimising the use of strategic partnerships to support international trade, tourism and investment efforts of the province. The Sub- programme will continue to provide a critical link between government’s policy and implementation environments, through the assessment of service delivery frontline facilities and intergovernmental coordination of human rights-based programmes. This Sub programme will continue its support of the Provincial Children’s Commi ssioner, whose office aims to assist the WCG in promoting and protecting the rights and interests of children.



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