WCG DoTP APP 2023/2024

Indicator responsibility

Director: Corporate Communication

Spatial Transformation


Disaggregation of beneficiaries - Human Rights Groups

☐ Target for women ☐ Target for youth ☐ Target for people with disabilities ☐ Target for older persons ☒ None of the above

Provincial Strategic Implementation Plan (PSIP)

☐ Jobs

☐ Safety

☐ Wellbeing

☐ Innovation, Culture and Governance

☒ None of the above

State of disaster


☒ NO

Implementation Data (Key deliverables measured)

As per Programme Business/Operational Plans

Indicator number


Indicator title

Number of reports on improvement in public trust in the WCG to deliver, as determined by a perception survey

Short definition

This indicator refers to the number of surveys/reports issued to Cabinet and PTM. The report contains an assessment of the perception survey results of citizens on the trust in the WCG to deliver on its service delivery promises. This would result in more effective and efficient communication from the WCG to the citizen, and the opportunity to adapt our planning and delivery mechanisms to be more responsive to the citizen’s needs The purpose of this indicator is to determine the perception of trust of citizens in the WCG to deliver on service delivery promises toward improvements. In addition to create a data gathering tool and an opportunity for the WCG to listen to the citizen


Key Beneficiaries

The Executive, Provincial Top Management, employees of the WCG, citizens of the province

Source of data

Public perception survey conducted by external service provider. Instead of having a set survey outline, with a predetermined theme, we aim to create a more agile system, where we can do surveys determined by the organisational need at the time

Data limitations

Input and participation of citizens


Members of the public will find interest to participate

Means of verification

Physical report, Electronic Report

Method of calculation

Public perception survey conducted by external service provider. Instead of having a set survey outline, with a predetermined theme, we aim to create a more agile system, where we can do surveys determined by the organisational need at the time

Calculation type

☒ Cumulative Year-end

☐ Cumulative Year-to-date

☐ Non-cumulative

Reporting cycle

☒ Quarterly ☐ Bi-annually ☐ Annually ☐ Biennially

Desired performance

☐ Higher than target

☒ On target

☐ Lower than target

Type of indicator

Is this a Service Delivery Indicator? ☐ YES ☒ NO



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