WCG DoTP APP 2023/2024

Source of data

Fraud and corruption prevention implementation plans agreed with the relevant Accounting Officer, excluding the awareness sessions/engagements, and progress on status of implementation as recorded in quarterly PFS progress reports to the Accounting Officers. Excel spreadsheet maintained summarising this information.

Data limitations

Currently manual collection of data from departments


Availability of departmental staff for fraud and corruption risk sessions as well as assistance from departmental functionaries to ensure distribution of anti-fraud and corruption material

Means of verification

Approved fraud and corruption risk registers, electronic anti-fraud- and corruption newsletters, reports on fraud prevention activities and quarterly forensic progress reports

Method of calculation

Numerator: Total number of fraud and corruption prevention activities allocated to the PFS that have been finalised less the number of completed awareness sessions/engagements. The numerator is calculated by adding up all completed fraud prevention activities and deducting the number of completed awareness sessions/engagements. The following explains the stage at which each category of activity is deemed to have been finalised: • Update of Fraud and Corruption Prevention Plans and Fraud Risk Registers – this is considered finalised by the PFS on the day it is submitted to the relevant department for approval by their respective delegated authority; • Fraud and Corruption Prevention Implementation Plans – this is considered finalised by the PFS on the day it is submitted to the relevant department or the Chief Director: PFS and; • Publication of newsletters – this is considered finalised by the PFS on the day it is published and circulated electronically by Corporate Communication Denominator: Total number of activities in the approved fraud and corruption prevention implementation plan for each of the departments allocated to PFS, less the total number of completed awareness sessions/engagements, allocated to the PFS. Percentage calculation: numerator divided by denominator multiplied by 100

Calculation type

☐ Cumulative Year-end

☒ Cumulative Year-to-date

☐ Non-cumulative

Reporting cycle

☒ Quarterly

☐ Bi-annually

☐ Annually

☐ Biennially

Desired performance

☒ Higher than target

☐ On target

☐ Lower than target

Type of indicator

Is this a Service Delivery Indicator? ☐ YES ☒ NO If yes, confirm the priority area(s) that the deliverable(s) measured through this indicator will improve (multiple

selections can also be made): ☐ Citizen needs ☐ Reliability

☐ Responsiveness

☐ Integrity

Is this a Demand Driven Indicator? ☒ YES ☐ NO

Is this a Standardised Indicator? ☐ YES ☒ NO

Spatial Location of indicator

Number of locations: ☒ Single Location

☐ Multiple Locations

Extent: ☒ Provincial ☐ District ☐ Local Municipality ☐ Ward ☐ Address Detail/Address/ Coordinates: <…..> For multiple delivery locations, will this be shared in the Annual Operational Plan (AOP) ☐ YES ☐ NO

Indicator responsibility

Chief Director: Provincial Forensic Services



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