WCG DoTP APP 2023/2024

For multiple delivery locations, will this be shared in the Annual Operational Plan (AOP) ☐ YES ☐ NO

Indicator responsibility

Director: Enterprise Risk Management

Spatial Transformation


Disaggregation of beneficiaries - Human Rights Groups

☐ Target for women ☐ Target for youth ☐ Target for people with disabilities ☐ Target for older persons ☒ None of the above

Provincial Strategic Implementation Plan (PSIP)

☐ Jobs

☐ Safety

☐ Wellbeing

☒ Innovation, Culture and Governance

☐ None of the above

State of disaster


☒ NO

Implementation Data (Key deliverables measured)

As per Programme Business/Operational Plans

Indicator number


Indicator title

Percentage of departmental strategic risks identified that enable citizen-centric focus

Short definition

This refers to the number of strategic risks identified that relates to the citizen and core service delivery


The purpose of this indicator is to ensure that the strategic risks identified focusses on causes and impacts that relate to the citizen

Key Beneficiaries

The WCG, citizens of the province

Source of data

Risk Management System (BarnOwl) and Departmental Risk Registers

Data limitations



Acceptance by client department executive management to consider risks that are citizen focused.

Means of verification

Portfolio of evidence and physical documents safeguarded on the S-Drive and/or MyContents

Method of calculation

Numerator: Total number of strategic risks that are identified in the d epartments’ strategic risk register Denominator: The number of strategic risks that are citizen-focused Calculation of percentage: Numerator divided by denominator multiplied by 100

Calculation type

☐ Cumulative Year-end

☐ Cumulative Year-to-date

☒ Non-cumulative

Reporting cycle

☒ Quarterly ☐ Bi-annually ☐ Annually ☐ Biennially

Desired performance

☒ Higher than target

☐ On target

☐ Lower than target

Type of indicator

Is this a Service Delivery Indicator? ☐ YES ☒ NO If yes, confirm the priority area(s) that the deliverable(s) measured through this indicator will improve (multiple

selections can also be made): ☐ Citizen needs ☐ Reliability

☐ Responsiveness

☐ Integrity



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